Experience the Best viewing with OLED TV

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What is the full name of an OLED

OLED is short for organic light-emitting diodes. OLED is a display technology just like LCD and LED but it is a very much different technology.

Experience the beauty of an OLED TV

It is called organic LED because it uses the semiconductor material in LEDs.  It uses two conductors to sandwich organic thin films to create a display on the screen. When an electric current is applied to this structure, the diodes emit very bright light. Every pixel is controlled individually and emitting own light. It does not require backlighting, So these OLEDs are thinner and have lesser weight than other types of tv display technologies.

More Detail

It has a wide angle to view that is up to 160 degrees. It is very much capable of display even in bright light. It is very energy efficient as it takes only two to ten volts. LG and Samsung are providing OLED TVs in the market. It makes it easy to produce flexible and transparent displays. It is real blacks. 

Where can you find OLED?

OLEDs are found in many devices for display purposes like mobile phones. Its demand is increasing day by day due to its flexibility and slim size. It is also used by world the best companies in premium TVs. It is used in gaming consoles, computer monitors, digital cameras, wristwatches, airport runway lighting, car lighting, advertising panels, backlighting, and smart cards. 


You will love OLED TV because it is

Extremely Thin

OLEDs use semiconductors that are very small in size and it uses conductors to sandwich the organic thin film to produce the image on the screen. It does not use any backlighting. So it is slim in size and very thinner as compared to LCD and LED.

The best picture quality

OLEDs do not use backlighting instead, It uses semiconductor material. It produces very bright light that you can see even in a bright light room. When it sandwiches these thin films and current is applied, a very bright light is produced. Due to this feature, It is used by the world’s best companies to produce premium TVs.

Low Power Consumption

Semiconductors are very light and consume very less energy as compared to LCDs and LEDs. It takes two to 10 volts only. If you compare it with CRT, It is very less.

Wide viewing angle

OLED TVs provide you with wide angles to view. You can enjoy 160 degrees of viewing angle which is much more than other types of technologies.

Contrast Ratio

OLEDs have a good contrast ratio that is 1.000.000:1.

Fast response time

OLEDs have a fast response time when compared with other technologies. As per LG, OLEDs are 1000 times faster than LCDs. Its response time is 1 ms.

Used in battery-operated devices

As you know that OLEDs consume less energy. So these are used in those devices that operate on a battery such as mobile phones. 


OLEDs are brighter than other technologies because the organic layer is very thin. It does not need glass for support that absorbs some light.


OLEDs’ pixels remain dark and use energy when necessary. This way, It uses less energy then it is environmentally friendly as compared to other technologies that use backlighting.


Drawbacks of an OLED TV


The biggest disadvantage of OLED is that its life is not that good as it provides so many features. It uses RGB colors. Its blue OLEDs have 14,000 hours of life. Red and green OLEDs have a longer life than blue which is up to 230,000 hours.


LED manufacturing is very expensive. So when the final product comes into the market, its cost is higher than other types of TVs.

Not Waterproof

OLEDs are very expensive. If comes in contact with water, it gets damaged easily.


OLEDs do not show images well in the direct sun. Some test shows that LCD results are better than OLEDs.

Susceptible to Burn-in

One of the main problem people have with OLEDs is that they start burn-in. You may experience some channel logos staying on screen for a few minutes.


OLEDs are expensive as compared to LCD and LED. If your budget is not much big, then you cannot afford it. However, the price is decreasing as this technology is matured.

White Background

When it comes to energy consumption, It uses very less. But any website or document that has a white background, uses more power than other colors. So it drains the battery of mobile fast.

Screen Flicker

Sometimes, the OLED screen starts flickering, and its brightness decreases.

Difference Between OLED and LED

HTML Table Generator
Features LED OLED
Full Form 1.It is Short for Light Emitting Diodes. 1. It is an Organic Light Emitting Diodes.
Power Consumption 2.More. 2. Less.
Viewing Angle 3. 55 Degree. 3. 85 Degree.
Price 4. It is cost-effective. 4.It has more price..
Image Quality 5. Good. 5.Better than LEDy.
Brightness 6. More. 6.Less.
Flexible 7. More Flexible 7. Less Flexible.
Size 8. Large. 8. Smaller than LED.
Life 9. Longer Life. 9. Less Longer Life.
Screen Thickness 10. Thin. 10. Thinner.
Weight 11. Heavy. 11.Light.
Response Time 12. More 12. Less.
Eco Friendly 13.No. 13. Yes.
IContrast 14. Not Good. 14. Good.
Screen Burn-in 15. No. 15. Yes
Which is better? 16. For Some Features. 16. For Some Features.
Slim 17. Not as LED. 17. Yes, Its slim.
Best Black Level 18. No. 18. Yes
Screen Size 19. Up To 90 Inch . 19. Up To 55 Inch.
Cost 20. Less. 20. More.
Backlighting 21. Yes. 21. No .

Pin Points

An OLED TV is an Eco-Friendly technology that uses semiconductor material to display. It has lesser weight and it requires no backlighting. This means it is energy efficient too. Here we come to know broad information about OLED TV and its usage. It is very different from LED TVs. I explain the differences between the two in the last section.

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